Saturday, February 28, 2015

Veronica Lake in I Married a Witch (1942)
Gene Tierney in a promotional photo for The Razor’s Edge (1946)

Gene Tierney in a promotional shot for The Razors Edge (1946)
Otto Bettmann: NYC. Noah’s Ark crew strolling through the streets of Manhattan, 1968.

Otto Bettmann: NYC. Noah’s Ark crew strolling through the streets of Manhattan, 1968.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Evening in Poznan by takmaj

visualstatic101:Hercules Florence, Italy

Manbutt for quadbroad


Hercules Florence, Italy
Cygan, designed by Dr Ing Fiorito 1957

Cygan, designed by Dr Ing Fiorito 1957

Cygan, designed by Dr Ing Fiorito 1957


Tina Louise

Miss Louise to you.


That would be my preference as well.

Thru the Mirror (1936)

Thru the Mirror (1936)
Tennessee Williams backstage with set painters, A Streetcar Named Desire.

Tennessee Williams backstage with set painters, A Streetcar Named Desire.

Thursday, February 26, 2015