Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

To one and all here's wishing you health wealth, peace and bliss!

As 2008 closes I am grateful for so m any things. Number one being finally rid of a certain someone who made my life a living hell for far too long. Number two is the strength I found and kept though all the friends and family who gave me strength and support over the past few years of tribulation! Number three Bush will no longer be in office (bet you thought I was referring to him in number one!) Number four is Fabulon's still going strong! And, Number Five is all the fun I've had posting on and meeting people though the Blogosphere!
"Be they few, or be they far,
Would I were where my people are!"
* "The Lost Tribe" Ruth Pitter


  1. Have a happy, HAPPY new year!!!

  2. Happy New Year!

    (Word verification = sistr. Apt!)

  3. I think the tribulations are over.
    I pray they are.

    Here's to a wonderful 2009!

  4. i just found your blog. sounds like you went through something i did many years ago. its awful to know you are partnered with a jerk{too mild a word} i know '09 will be better,way better for you! i will follow your blog. and i like the photo of guy madison on your profile!!!have you seen my blog???

  5. Yay! Happy 2009, dear ilduce. It can only be better.

  6. Thanks for all the support guys!
