Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Simon says move forward!

School was closed on account of snow today giving me an unexpected eight hours to get some much needed work done around the house. Construction in the basement is pretty much completed and I desperately needed to start moving things back downstairs. For the past three months I’ve felt like I've been living in a warehouse that imploded. Through the course of the day I saw some vistas that had disappeared from view for far too long; my dining room table, my dining room floor, the entire northwest end of my living room…, all had been covered in piles of books, bric–a-brac and waaaaay to many pieces of clothing.
It’s been a long long LONG journey since the black spot that was my ex., was finally forced to move out, allowing me to begin some much needed modernization and maintenance. All the upheaval had a very uneven effect on my peace of mind. I am looking forward to FINALLY getting the house in order and then looking for roommates (a necessity thanks to the new economy) I'm tired, I ache all over, I can feel plaster dust in and under the pores of my skin, but I'm happy and satisfied, I feel a step closer to a new hopefully happier phase in my life.


  1. What a productive use of your snow day! Good job! A lesser man would have snuggled on the couch watching bad daytime TV and eating bad snacks. It must feel great to have things back in their proper places. Word verification: swela. a colorful apron worn by the indigenous peoples of Easter Island.
