Friday, January 16, 2009

What think you of he and this???????

So my eons old Personals ad snagged a response this morning. Here is the EXACT text of "Denis"' ad:

More About Me:
very emotional and sensual , I very passionate and ardent, I that about whom you so for a long time dreamed and saw in your dreams!!! I the one whom you wanted all your life and now we can carry out all our passionate dreams together!!! Write to me, I very much wait for you!!!

According to the standard questions, he'll tell me his age later is 6.6" with some high school education, an employed homemaker in the construction/craftsman field living at home with his parents and earning less that $24,999 per year.

I am actually surprised, usually I get this kind of oddly worded response from a person in some far off country. this one came from nearby New Hampshire.

Oh well, guess I can stop complaining that absolutely "no one" is interested......


  1. I think the 37 y.o. woman would be a better match than Denis. Denis sounds kinda scary to me.

  2. did "Denis" also say that you won the Nigerian lottery? usually the word "ardent" is the tip-off...

  3. Yes he does sond kind of "scary", like an alian from amrs jsut learning the language.

    And "ardent" is definitely a learned-english-from-reading-Jane-Austen word.

  4. Sadly, the use of the word "ardent" would warrant my writing back to least once.

  5. Well, Jason you ARE very "ardent" worthy.......
