So my trainer wants me to concentrate on my biceps. Despite the growth in chest, shoulders and traps my biceps have not made any real noticeable gains in size.
Now, avoiding the pitfalls of having to buy all new pants thanks to an increase in the girth of my quads is one thing. However, I have no qualms about seeing all my shirtsleeves rip at the seams should my arms balloon up, but again there is a fine line. While Mr. Coleman here may have some might big arms I find them rather too too much....
"Big" surpasses "too big" and becomes "grotesque" when one can no longer wipe one's own ass...or when one has to walk around with arms out to the sides like a kid in a huge, puffy snowsuit (a la Randy in "A Christmas Story"). Until then, you and your biceps are cool. (Word verifications: apikebir: a small, hairless marsupial that dwells underground in the northern regions of Tasmania)
ReplyDeleteCool!, When my arms reach that scarecro point am I awarded the requisite arm bimbo? I am hoping for a dirty blonde with bangs and a high timbered whine named Stefani. The "i" in her name is of course dotted with a little heart.......
ReplyDeleteUsually at the point, you are rewarded with TWO arm bimbos (don't you care about symmetry, for god's sake?) -- one to wipe your ass and the other to apply your deodorant for you. Word verification: whirle - that incongrous little spiral curl of hair at the base of my skull that has nothing to do with the hundreds of thousands of other hairs on my head.