Thursday, February 19, 2009

Water water everywhere.....

So, the Boston Globe published an article today listing eight dates under $40. Maybe it's a slow news day what with only the economy, war and new Presidential administration to report on. In any event they fail to give the key facts as to how to snag a date in order to be then able to spend the said $40! see:


  1. Where did the photo come from ? Would the buff dude on the left have ANYTHING to do with the OMNOMNOMNOM slopping all over the chair on the right? Word verification: sumsisf. The product of an advanced form of algebraic equations.

  2. The picture came from an article on gay speed dating and I think those two were quitely agreeing never to interact once the bell rang. Don't get me started.....

  3. We so gotta get out for some drinks...word verification: skedicie. Italian for the number sixteen.

  4. Here's a tip for dating for under $5. Go to a dirty book store. Put a dollar in the slot. Stick your dick through the glory hole. Bingo.

  5. Oooh...'The Museum of Bad Art' caught my attention! Mrpeenee has an idea there, too. Not that I would personally DO THAT.
