Thursday, May 21, 2009

Work or lack thereof....

"Migrant Farm workers from Arkansas", 1940

"The Girl Works All Day in a Cannery", 1940
Spent all day yesterday in workshops at the office of my "Out-Placement Specialist" and am spending today being filmed and critiqued in a mock interview. While it makes me feel pro-active it does nothing to change the fact that the date of my last severance pay check is hurtling towards me like a race car and then unemployment remains my only source of income. While not panicking yet, i am definitely in a state of high nervousness.
The advice we were given yesterday? "Don't appear desperate" when interviewing for a job! Of course not! 20% of the entire population is out of work and competing for the same 10 jobs in order to hold on to health benefits, jeep our homes together and have some food other than rice and shredded wall paper to eat, but we mustn't appear desperate!


  1. Oh, honey. I'm sure some good news will be coming your way soon. And just remember - those green velvet portieres just hanging there idly would make a lovely dress for you to entice potential...investors with!

  2. You know what goes good on shredded wallpaper? Tabasco. Mmmm, yummy! I'm all for maintaining a positive attitude, but, you're sadly correct that the # of jobs is < the # of people who need them and that financial havoc is no small concern. Glad you at least have the "outplacement" services at your disposal.

  3. As God is my witness, you will never be hungry again!

    I'm holding up a radish in
