Friday, August 28, 2009

Much Love, Much Thanks!!!

A long time ago in a lonely dusty cubical a bored little librarian started a blog, inspired by the many blogs he had been reading, not the least of which was, and still is, Stirred straight up with a twist, a beautiful, educational, and erudite piece of heaven on the web.

Today I was very touched by the following shout out from it's divine creator, the well dressed, easy on the eyes, Mr. TJB! Thanks babe.

Stirred, Straight Up, with a Twist.: Italians Do It Better


  1. I have fallen prostrate at his feet in worship, as we speak.

    *checks to make sure I'm not confusing that with prostate*

  2. MJ thanks for checking! Lord knows the flurry of rumors that could have caused!!!!!

  3. MJ is conducting prostate checks?

    Huh? What?

    Get your Secret Lady Place out from under the table, Puddin'.
