I heard yesterday on NPR that the venerable Gourmet magazine is folding. It was rather depressing to see yet another icon fall by the wayside. I started my subscription fresh out of high school and it was definitely a formative influence on how my cooking, entertaining and table decorating tastes grew.
Alas years of catering drudgery , following a weight lifter's diet and generally being an all around curmudgeon have withered my dinner party gene, but I still found it pleasant to peruse one of my Gourmet cookbooks whenever I stumbled across them on the shelf. Call it food porn. I'm sure there will be an online presence but it won't be the same.
Boo. This makes me sad as well. :(
ReplyDeleteIt's the end of an era.
ReplyDeleteYES! I heard this on NPR as well. (We had simultaneous NPR-gasms?)
ReplyDeleteAnd I, too, have a withering entertaining gene. WTF? I used to have 12 over for dinner and nowadays can barely microwave a Lean Cuisine!
More importantly: Conde-Nast axed 'Modern BRIDE' too. Now what are we going to do?! :)
Ye Gods! Not 'MODERN BRIDE"!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteModern Bride, House & Garden and Gourmet. It's like the entire Gay Sports Section being hit.