Friday, July 26, 2013

True in any language!

But it just sounds better in German...

A few of the key phrases:

"Now that she's married, any woman who thinks she can rest on her laurels is wildly mistaken.

On the contrary, a man wants to be daily won anew!  That's how we men are, that's what we're

used to, and that's how we want to have it." 

"Baking creates joy!  And here She has it better than Him.  SHE MAY BAKE."  [that's "may" as in "has permission to"]

"Better hurry now, Peter will be there soon and he could eat a horse."

"We all know, of course, that a woman has only two questions in her life:

1) What shall I wear today?

2) What shall I cook for dinner?

"The most important thing for him is the PUDDING."

"You know, men who like eating sweets are men of good character.

"Cake makes us men soft and manageable.  That new dress can easily cost $100 more, no problem!"


  1. Absolutely loved this video! Great blog, just discovered it and I'm hooked.

  2. Glad you like my blog Christopher. What part of Michigan are you in? One of my many exes was from Flint.
