Wednesday, August 21, 2013

And so it begins

My younger brother and I have had a life long fascination with bigfoot.  We never met a movie about the creature we didn't like, no matter how bad.  It all started with this "In Search of" episode.  Of course it made being taken to the mountains every year for summer vacation rather nerve racking.


  1. This "In Search Of" and, of course, the "Six Million Dollar Man" episodes with bigfoot are embedded in my brain. Remember we used to play the shows? I think Joe was Steve Austin, I was Lindsay, the bionic woman...and you were bigfoot. Down the marsh? Good thing there wasn't Lyme disease or EEE back then...

  2. And, that's *right*; you guys used to go to Lake George on vacation! It was the most boring two weeks of the summer for me every year.
