Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Save the bees!

This year, food security is set to suffer another big setback, and the culprit could not be cuter: honeybees. Last winter, America’s beekeeping industry lost nearly half of all its bee colonies. And the numbers keep falling. Last summer, in the largest bee kill on record, more than 50,000 bumblebees were killed in Oregon as a direct result of exposure to an insecticide applied to trees for cosmetic purposes. Learn more


  1. Thank you for posting this as the word needs to be spread.

    Personal experience has taught me that many people are unaware of the vital role the honeybees play in our daily lives.

    The thinking tends to go along these lines..."they're only bees."

    As the article says, "Our food and our economy depend on these little bees. Kill them off, and we cut off a critical lifeline. Keep them alive, and we survive."

  2. I hear that line all the time or "I see plenty of bees around" People just don't get it.
