Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Sorry for the lack of posts lately

Image result for desk set movie library

It's been a bumpy March due to illness and job transition.  Happily I am in a new and better job but my schedule  isn't allowing for a  lot of screen time on blogger.  I am posting a bit more on my tumblr as it it is easier to do on my phone.


  1. Thanks John, I still plan on posting on both!

  2. So glad to gear you are doing ok!

  3. No need to apologize good man. You have been through a lot and I ,and I'm sure many others, appreciate all the wonderful posts that have made us smile and drool through the years. ( I apologize if that last bit was a trifle tasteless ,if not true). Glad to hear things are improving. Take care of yourself, thanks again, and I look forward to your future posts.
