Sunday, March 29, 2020

One small bright spot in being forced to stay indoors.  I've remembered this TV episode for years but could NOT remember who made it and therefore couldn't find it on the web.  I stumbled upon it by accident today.  Strangely, in my mind's eye the  female ghost writes was played by Nancy Walker.  I can't tell you how many times I combed through her IMDB profile trying to find this television show,


  1. You know how you probably connected to Nancy Walker? The woman in The Next Step Beyond famously played the diner waitress in Five Easy Pieces who gets into it with Jack Nicholson over his desire for some chicken salad. And Nancy was, of course, famous diner waitress Rosie in all those Bounty commercials...! :-)

  2. Hmmmm. Possibly! Great theory of relativity though!
