Thursday, October 23, 2014

Other Little people.

In recently watching "The Borrowers" movie, as well as several remakes, I couldn't help being reminded of  T.H. White's Mistress Masham's Repose.  At one point in one of the Borrowers films Arrietty is reading Gulliver's travels aloud to the boy and he asks if the Lilliputians were borrowers. Indeed in Mistress Masham's Repose, the main character a little girl named Maria encounters living Lilliputians, descendants of those brought back by Gulliver.

"Maria, a ten-year-old orphaned girl, lives on a derelict estate, her only companions a loving family Cook and a retired Professor of Ancient Latin. These are often unable to protect Maria from her tall, fat, strict Governess, Miss Brown. The Governess makes the child's life miserable. She takes her cue from Maria's guardian, a Vicar named Mr. Hater, the reason why Maria is poor and abandoned. The little girl does not go to school. In church, she has to walk all the way to her seat in over-sized boots which make a great deal of noise. She is shy, lonely, and starved for affection. Meeting the Lilliputians, and being tempted both to fear and to bullying, she must save her friends and herself." via

I can't understand why it's never been filmed.  Indeed according to Andreas Deja at Deja View
Disney was considering it at one time but it never came to fruition.  What a shame. 

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