Friday, April 28, 2017

It's the weekend

Go for a walk,

Have you been to the gym today?

Think of all the friends you'll meet....

Thank you for not smoking.


The view out the window.

The commute is getting easier now that we're fully into spring!

Claudette Colbert, 1927

Sometimes robes can be as unnecessary as towels....

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Have you been to the gym today?

The view out the window

The view from below

Running through my head

Happy Arbor day

Tuesday, April 25, 2017


Inquiring minds want to kn=ow...

Who couldn't use a little help around the house?

My day thus far...

Owning a dog

Is it for you?

Black and white photography classics of photography art by Rodney Smith. 

Andrea Martin Raps a Lin-Manuel Miranda Original as SCTV'S Edith Prickley


Who Knew?

the view out the window

It's cutting season

I miss carbs, especially cake.

Have you been to the gym today?

My morning so far....