I haven't posted in a while due to being stuck in a fully identifiable, fully fledged rut. It's been 3 weeks of getting up, going to work, stopping at the gym, coming home and falling into bed exhausted. All this has been given the added spice and fun of home remodeling so between arriving home and falling into bed I get to see what has, what hasn't been, and what seemingly will never be done in getting the new bathroom added as well as converting the basement. All the ennui and plaster dust has made me revert back to a favorite old whine.(and a few slogs of wine as well)
"I want Mary Tyler Moore's sitcom life!"
Miss Moore was the precursor of those sex in the the city gals! She had a date pretty much every week, it may not have worked out but at least she had one (Don't ask when was the last time I did). She had a groovy little apartment. She had a cute wardrobe and never wore the same outfit twice! Whenever she was lonely She had Rhoda ready and waiting right upstairs. (or Phyllis, or Georgette, or Georgeanne in a pinch). She had an interesting and fun job that actually mattered! With a competent boss no less!(again don't ask about my reality)
Man oh man where can I get a piece of that pie!
Tell me about it! Sometimes I think MTM formed my whole self conception.
Yes, I grew up thinking that's how my life would be like once I got my own apartment and sparkling career. No one else seems to have read the script though.....
I know. Life would be so much easier if we all had a job we loved; a small army of friends who could crack wise on a dime; and a seemingly endless wardrobe by Evan-Piccone.
And don't forget a date every week like clockwork!
Nahhhh...Mary's dates usually sucked, and they weren't even really cute most of the time. I'd rather just hang out with Rhoda.
True, her dates were as bad as her parties. At this point in my own social life (read lack thereof) I'm just jealous that she got asked out so often. At least it's an excuse to air an outfit out once in a while.....
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