Sunday, November 22, 2009

Nightmare alley....

So I had a dream last night/early this morning that started out pleasantly enough, a) I was involved in a relationship and b) "we" were on our way to new York city for a weekend trip. It quickly turned to a nightmare though as I realized a) I was involved with my ex(that should have been nightmare enough) and b) I was on my way to new York wearing black slacks , white socks and shoes very similar to those pictured above. Worse yet I was wearing two different versions of the shoes above, failing to put on a matching left and right components of a pair. Worse coming to worst, I realized I could not buy new shoes (and socks, mind you) upon arrival in New York due to the fact that I was still involved with my money vacuuming ex and thus thoroughly broke.

I am laying off the Pinot Noir before bedtime.


Salty Miss Jill said...

Poor baby...

Michael Guy said...

Was Tim Gunn nearby saying "make it work?"

What a dream!

Norma said...

That is one awesomely bizarre dream!!!!