It seems a class of third term students failed a chicken practical(i.e. cook and plate chicken dishes to be graded on both taste and appearance) yesterday. For some reason I am finding it very annoying. They had two hours to prepare and present, a roast chicken, a grilled chicken, lentils and greens. A basic dinner that I could have pumped out in an hour:
Put water on to boil
Season & truss chicken. Roast
Quarter/butterfly & season chicken. Grill
Wash greens, prepare as salad or steam.
Watch T.V while sipping cocktails for the remaining hour and a quarter hour before dinner.
Let me emphasize that this was in professional level classroom kitchen focused solely on the assigned dishes at hand. NOT the restaurant kitchen these students are attempting to gain employment in, where the meals would have to be pumped out in under 25 minutes while further orders came in and the waitstaff fought with the kitchen staff and vice versa.