Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Inquiring minds want to know....

What are you dressing up as?

But of course it's running through my head today,,,

How did your Monday go?

I've been traveling, first to a conference in Salt lake city, then for pleasure to Denver.  As I've been eating and drinking heartily I won't be finding, or displaying, any abs of mine, any time soon.

Rose Marie gets a house call from Dr. Bombay

Monday, October 23, 2017

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Assorted cakes.

Owning a dog....

Is it for you?

Have you been to the gym today?

Who knew?

Image result for velma scooby doo

What fresh hell is this?

What fresh hell is this?

The view up.



She didn’t even make it through the front door


Running though my head.

And I'm loving it!