Friday, April 24, 2020

Loves me some Helene Hanff!

Not to mention Anne Bancroft!

It's the weekend

Break out the grill.

Oooooh, What'll I get that waabbit!

What would you want with a waabbit?
Can't you see that I'm much swee-ter?
I'm your little Senyeree-ter
Yooou are my type of guy
Let me straighten your tie
And I shall dance for you!

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Friday, April 3, 2020

Another find!

I caught the end of this film years ago but missed the credits and had no idea what the title was.  fortunately I found it online while cooped up in the house.  Not exactly a film noir, more of a Hitchcock suspense thriller.

It's the weekend

“Day on the water sounds pretty great to me.

Take out the boat,
 The view from below,