Attractive, dark-haired leading man Edson Stroll was born in Chicago in the mid-'30s and arrived in Hollywood just in time for television to have eaten away at most of the opportunities he might otherwise have had. Possessed of a deep voice to go with his good looks, he appeared in Westerns and adventure shows such as Tombstone Territory and Sea Hunt, plus a pair of Twilight Zone episodes, "The Eye of the Beholder" and "The Trade-ins," and the Elvis Presley vehicle G.I. Blues, in an uncredited role. He finally started getting leading parts in films in 1961, but those were in a pair of Three Stooges features, the too-opulent-for-its-own-good Snow White and the Three Stooges (playing Prince Charming) and The Three Stooges in Orbit. From there, his being cast as Gunner's Mate Virgil Edwards in the sitcom McHale's Navy -- playing the resident lothario of Ernest Borgnine's motley crew .
And BTW, YES I would.......
Edson Stroll??? HOW have I gone this long without ever knowing about him!
I think I first noticed him even as a child watching 'McHale's Navy" reruns......
I only watched Mchale's Navy to see the handsome Virgil Edwads, particularly he when he took off his shirt I I always wanted to meet him and still do ! Edson if you ever read this .... thank you
Unforgettable, since I first saw him in a Twilight Zone episode with Donna Douglas...whew!!!
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