The COMMANDER presents the exclusively designed “INTERLOCKING HANDS” principle for extra support where you need it most. It flattens the burdensome sagging “corporation” and restores to the body the zestful invigorating feeling that comes with firm, sure “bay window” control. Order this new belt today and begin enjoying the pleasure of feeling “in shape” at once.
Corporation? Bay window control?
They had me with "interlocking hands" and then I read:
"The absence of gouging steel ribs, dangling buckles and bothersome laces will prove a joy. COMMANDER has a real man’s jock type pouch. IT GIVES GENUINE MALE PROTECTION. "
"The absence of gouging steel ribs, dangling buckles and bothersome laces will prove a joy. COMMANDER has a real man’s jock type pouch. IT GIVES GENUINE MALE PROTECTION. "
And I am puzzled as to how a manly virile fisherman with such fine manscaped pecs allowed his abs to go to seed thus a girdle...
Jesus! Order me a dozen, pronto!
Did I read "control pouch" in my haste?! :)
Laugh if you will, but in this day and age where men are spending more time waxing, plucking, and exfoliating than some women, I'm surprised that the Man Girdle hasn't made a huge comeback.
Frankly, given the choice between slapping on a girdle and having to do a set of crunches, I'll take the Spanx any day.
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