Monday, September 28, 2009
Sorry but I'm a bit busy....

the things that cannot be changed, Courage
to change the things which should be changed,
And the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other.
Lord knows, and anyone that knows me, will tell you that if you ever find yourself in the position of having to rely on the kindness of ilduce to get by, things are much more dire than you could possibly imagine.
Hopefully I'll be getting my sense of humor back and posting sometime soon.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Why don't some of my best friends tell me these things?
It's a running theme.......
Now that I've got the intro to Good times" out of my head, the theme to "Maude" has settled in. Not that it's a bad thing.......
Monday, September 21, 2009
Maybe it's the continual endorphin high from all the working out.....
Or possible some reverse spring fever brought on by the change over to Autumn, but DESPITE my recent reminder that all men are lying scheming pond scum, I can't seem to cut the "hope" out of my system. I am constantly finding myself flirting, smiling, and making eye contact against my will. While it's definitely increasing my tips, I am not sure I am fully on board with where it may lead. WTF?????
I am comfortable with bitter. Bitter is where I live. What am I supposed to do with this mess????
I was looking for a video of the Andrews Sisters performing "Bei mir bist du schon"....
But this looked too good to pass up.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Maybe Jason's right...
Friday, September 18, 2009
Yet another memory.
And a little too close for comfort at the moment! The unemployment shirt is starting to chafe.......
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
It's not personal, but.......

It seems that has caught on that I had been locked into a ridiculously low rate for the past few years, thus making it unnecessary to cancel my personal ad with them. Aaah that bored afternoon when I composed it many years ago! Oh such a hopeful endeavor! My little ever hopeful heart thinking that actual dates might result.
Several thousand "views", many random, and often incredibly misspelled or very oddly worded, email conversations(mostly with agoraphobics or liars), and yes even a few actual in person BAD dates later, is trying to raise their subscription rates.
I'm not sorry to say that even the entertainment factor they might have offered isn't worth the price in my unemployed budget. Besides, as I've recently discovered, as old fashioned an idea as it may seem, you CAN still pick up men in bars these days. Who knew?
So take a last look fellas, I may as well bring my viewing numbers up before it closes:
Sound advice!

And just in time for our date tonight!!! Monsieur TJB is back in the advice business!!! See:
Stirred, Straight Up, with a Twist.: Weekly Feature #7
Monday, September 14, 2009
Kindred spirits.
We had a date last night where our companion brought up the old Mary Tyler Moore spin off series "Phyllis". It was the first time we heard the show mentioned in live conversation rather than online in our little "Fabulon" circle.
We've taken it as a very good sign!!!!!!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Sorry I'm not home...
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
Whos that eatin that nasty fruit?
I would constantly ask this question, apropos of nothing, while at work. Surprisingly (or not, I worked in a office full of middle aged lily white librarians) no one ever got the answer right..
Thursday, September 3, 2009
To quote Grover.....
Tickling is also exercise.
And who doesn't like a little slap and tickle........
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Gratuitous flesh....
Bo and Luke Duke
As far as I'm concerned the entire crux of the show is captured in this little montage,a t lest the entire reason that I was watching it as an impressionable youth......